Monday, April 6, 2015

Should US launch a military attack against Russia?

   No, the United States  of America should not launch a military attack against Russia but before we reach the point where we may conclude "whether US should launch a military attack against Russia or not", it is imperative to first examine the scenario currently being caused by Russia on the international arena.  
The stockpile of lethal weapons of mass destruction with Russia and the USA are huge and massive.  Russian latest military exercises across the country, conducted in an area chosen, are deliberately to send warning to NATO, and seem to deploy nuclear armed submarine. Russia's nuclear capabilities have also been deployed to locations near NATO borders. The Russian activities signal threat to NATO.  The activities involve 45000 servicemen, around 3000 vehicles, more than 40 surface vehicles, 15 submarines and 110 ballistic missile submarines.
Ukraine is of-course a country vital to Russia as a buffer state against the West, and as a route for delivering energy to Europe, which is the foundation of the Russian economy.  The Ukrainian government is favorably inclined to Russia.  Russia will never part with its influence in Ukraine.  It is mainly the US interest to get Ukraine under its dominance, which is the cause of conflict between Russia and the US.  Russia is now lot stronger than it was 15-20 years ago.  With Vladimir Putin at the helm, Russia has a lot more effective military force, and carries a much more diplomatic and political influence.  Russia is not like Iraq, Afghanistan, or Iran; that’s a militarily strong and well equipped power.  US in good wisdom should not attack Russia for the following important reasons:

  1.          US launching an attack against Russia may trigger a 3rd World War involving and engulfing many countries; the western and European countries would be the hardest hit economically and militarily.
  2.         Death and destruction would be many times more than what happened in the last two wars combined.
  3.          Any use of nuclear device by any involved country would cause immense annihilation and devastation of humans and material. Many countries may have to  start with scratch after the conflict and war is over.
  4.         Besides Russia, US economy would have been absolutely collapsed, and would be dependent on countries like China.
  5.        China as a result of its not directly involving in the war game while remaining neutral, would emerge as an economically and militarily SUPER POWER.  May be the only super power dominating the globe.  US balance of payment and trade deficit via China is already in the doldrums. 
        It will be  extremely unwise for the United States to attack Russia, as it will definitely be a step towards plunging the world in third world war.  In the last but not the least, the most important is that military conflicts or launching attacks should be avoided at all cost.  US must have better understanding of that by previous experience of invading other countries and landing our boots on other countries’ soil; that by doing so not only have we made their situation worse than before as well as hurt ourselves economically and while effecting many lives negatively in the process.  That is why it’s extremely important for US to adapt a diplomatic policy towards Russia.  However, a good way to bring Russia back to the community of nations and force it to practice more democratic policies is to resolve and settle all differences through diplomacy, negotiation, and through the policy of “Give and Take”. 

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