Friday, May 8, 2015

America needs the new founding fathers!

  Commentary on US National Govt. (Blog #7)

It is safe to say that America is unique and exceptional.  The question is; can this be put in positive or negative term? What makes any  country functional is a solid infrastructure built by a solid government in charge.  Americans and in some cases non-Americans give so much credit to our founding fathers in constructing a near perfect and some argue a genius constitution that sparked a powerful beacon in a dark world. 

  One genius of this constitution is building our government body where three branches with equal power must come together and agree to go forward with any decision minor or major and was also able to prevent this government from abusing it's powers to condemn or threaten its citizens. 
You may ask how Thomas Jefferson, George Washington, John Adams, James Madison and Alexander Hamilton were able to build an empire of democracy.  The reason behind  that is that they were aware of human history, the European government system, religion, and how citizens can play a pivotal role in establishing a functional government and a successful country. 
They studied Science, they read Plato, they hung out in Paris and thought that the religion was mostly used to control mankind. This is another reason why they made sure to separate State from religion and focused so much on education. After all no one can put together an intelligent and successful country with citizens who lack a reasonable amount of understanding of Science, Geography, Anthropology, Economics, putting laws in place, and the justice system that can be used as an example for the rest of the world. 

  My focus here on the founding fathers is paramount because without them we wouldn't have the country we have right now.  And if the founding fathers came back to modern times they would be disappointed and shocked at government officials we elect and a drug war that's costing us billions of dollars and hundreds of lives, bombing random countries to please and fund the military industrial complex, our arguing and bickering over nuisance issues. Our current government is in desperate need for politicians, law makers and intellectuals like Thomas Paine (Philosopher), Thomas Jefferson (Lawyer), Alexander Hamilton (Constitutional Lawyer), James Madison (Lawyer), John Adams (Constitutional Lawyer). They were not the common men of their day.  Ben Franklin studied Scientific phenomena like lightening. James Madison was fluent in Greek and Latin and could translate Virgil and Cicero. And if Ben Franklin  was alive Today he could explain to the Republicans how mankind are causing or contributing Global Warming.  
Our current government is in desperate need for new founding fathers who can end the American corruption, bring out troops home and shut down the American empire. They will be willing and capable in stopping the growth in our deficit. They will be able to repeal destructive rulings such as Citizen United where individuals and corporations can legally donate unlimited amount of money to politicians and to their political campaigns. Our country must wake up and elect politicians who can focus on building our schools to produce the next generation of intellectual Americans. A generation not brain washed by ancient ideologies and superstitions or delusions.  

  The time has come for our elections to be decided by the people to elect the candidate most fit for office to run the country and not the one who spend the most amount of money. The time has come for our country to fire "The lobbyists" and private entities.  America with a complete, just and comprehensive immigration system that can add to its citizenry a more diverse immigrants with new secular and social ideas; because if there is a country that is capable of becoming an equal opportunity and economically prosperous it would be the United States of America.

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