Monday, May 18, 2015

Let's Interpret the Constitution!!

  Are the Supreme Court justices acting like rock stars or are they just fond of lengthy arguments back and forth? The founding fathers who  were on very advanced level of intellectualism, they clearly separated States from religion. At the same time they made sure to write it down, discuss it and emphasize the importance of human rights regardless of their background, religious beliefs, gender or skin color.
Now looking at the Fourteenth Amendment it states that no state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunity of citizens of United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, LIBERTY, or property without due process of law, nor deny to any person with in its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.  It is time to enforce this right to same sex couple in every state and require of the state to treat same sex couples exactly as it treats  heterosexual couples.  In other words, marriage is a fundamental liberty to individuals.  It is unconstitutional to fence out a group of people from exercising their right to marry. 
As a Supreme Court judge, I would vote to require states to recognize marriage performed on foreign soils or in other states whether gay or straight. I would also prohibit irrational ideas of stigma and contamination often labeling same sex marriages. My interpretation of the constitution is simple and straight forward; citizens have the right of privacy in their homes and citizens have the right to live happily. My concern is that denying same sex couple the right to marry under the law would be an attack on democracy especially in a country that shouts out loud on daily basis our American love for freedom, liberty, and Justice. In many cases going to wars in the name of spreading democracies all over the world and in so many cases sacrificing American lives doing it. 

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