Friday, May 15, 2015

Immigration reform is a human right! (Blog Stage 3)

Jennifer Whitney wrote an article in the New York Times criticizing ICE (Immigration and Custom Enforcement) practices and detentions methods being utilized against undocumented immigrants. I totally agree with her argument especially because I myself come from an immigrant family. So many people are extremely lucky that they are born in a safe and prosperous country like the United States of America but there are millions of people who are born in poor or war torn countries and they have nothing.
The vast majority of immigrants who travel thousands of dangerous miles are indeed trying to find a safe haven for themselves and for their children. 
What do they meet when they arrive in the United Sates? They get separated from their children starting with border petrol officers and in most cases they are detained in facilities paid by our tax money. 
President Obama was given the nickname of  "deporter in chief" for a good reason.  Since he came to office in 2009 he deported 2 million immigrants. Wasn't America founded on immigration?  How is it that we as Americans in love with freedoms but we as people and a government deny freedoms to others? 

There is absolutely no doubt that our immigration system is broken. Immigration reform is essential where we come up with new laws starting with vetting immigrants who makes it on our soil.  It's time to find ways to keep justice to the millions who are already here and the thousands that arrive here on daily basis. This way they can integrate into our society. We all agree that the criminals should be deported and the law abiding citizens should stay.  We should never separate family members from each other especially when children are involved.  And among these new laws an end to the privatization of prisons should be presented. 

I find Jennifer's editorial to be very a useful reference to citizens and politicians who  are deeply interested in immigration reform

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